The first volume of Between Places. Not up to reading 300 pages? Get the fast track here! A stand-alone story about the end of a dream.
Upcoming stories: Fate.
Current progress: Script: 100%, roughs: 100%, page 1 of 8.

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DIVERSIONS   -  April 4, 2011   -   2331

This is a weird page. My pages start getting weirder when I pencil traditionally, I think. Also I start sidetracking from the main plot. I should rename my comic Interesting Diversions From The Storyline. I swear that's all it's about is diverting from the storyline! D: We'd have been done by now otherwise! Oh well... also I can't remember how to do basic math so I think I'm going to go to sleep and hate this page in the morning.  

I'm way too tired to be making this news post   -  April 3, 2011   -   0001

Really tired here. So a few things!

April Fool's comic is still up, if you hit the back button. Sorry for skipping an update. You'd think I planned this or something. I'd been thinking about doing the lameass ending for an April Fool's comic, and well, I realized when I posted that Thursday's update would be Friday that it was the first... well... I couldn't disappoint! I'm sorry for skipping an update for that, though. It was as much work as a normal page so I just couldn't get the time to normal update AND fake update.

DAYUN WHAT. Ayep. We're back to the Mysada part of the storyline for a little while now. I'm almost out of pencils though so until I can get some done, updates might hitch up. I've found some new inspiration, at least. Yes, all of that blue narration stringing through? That's been Dayun's. So I've been planning to cut back for a while.

New vote incentive. This time it's Saerin's costume redesign, maybe. I've been putting a lot of work into redesigning my cast to hopefully have more distinct designs.

I updated my links page. The big difference is that most of the comics on the links page now have smaller link banners. Don't be slighted if you have a smaller banner now! I've felt like it was too big for a while. The comics with large banners still do not have smaller banners available, and some of them don't have ANY banners available now. D: Seriously, guys, why not let your fans advertise ya? BANNERS GOOD. But yeah, I made sure that all of my links were functional, took down a few that weren't, updated a few URLs for people who've moved off of DrunkDuck or bought new URLs for their comic instead of subdomains, and moved all comics on hiatus or dead to the bottom.

Whew, I think that's about all I need to say. Thanks for reading this. And for reading Between Places. I appreciate it, and the time people take to leave thoughtful comments. What, no, that's not hinting at all. I do appreciate it!