The first volume of Between Places. Not up to reading 300 pages? Get the fast track here! A stand-alone story about the end of a dream.
Upcoming stories: Fate.
Current progress: Script: 100%, roughs: 100%, page 1 of 8.

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APRIL FOOLS!   -  April 1, 2011   -   2248

But that was pretty obvious.  

Well, that's that!   -  April 1, 2011   -   0008

Since I've been having such a difficult time with my comic lately, I've decided to take the advice of a good friend and end my comic! So this is the last page. I guess there's probably a few loose ends since I skipped a few things, but just to clear things up: Gabriel elopes with Xan after realizing bumming around with Abroidine is getting him nowhere. He kills Abroidine and becomes the next Fire. Talnaver and Avante fall in love and get married and never leave the ELF forest. Mysada eventually dies of old age, breaking the dreamworld which is why Dreshae is back to being alive. Dayun is killed in the process. Mila turns out to be pure evil but it doesn't matter because she's dead. Navadae also dies. Saerin gets killed by Xan and Gabriel who are out for revenge and since she's no longer bothering Rease, Rease is able to wake up and reunite with her boyfriend. Anyone who I forgot to mention also dies. I think that should clear up all the loose ends. If it didn't, trust me. They died. In the most horrible way you can imagine.

Thanks for reading this far, and thanks for all the fish! This was a pretty difficult page, as you can tell. It's a lot of panels and I wanted to transition smoothly from the paintier 'dreaming' art into the more inked style of art in reality, to show that Rease was no longer dreaming. I think it's effective and displays the difference between reality and dreaming quite clearly.