The first volume of Between Places. Not up to reading 300 pages? Get the fast track here! A stand-alone story about the end of a dream.
Upcoming stories: Fate.
Current progress: Script: 100%, roughs: 100%, page 1 of 8.

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Six hours!   -  February 9, 2010   -   0529

Twice as long as I usually spend on a page. Eek. The top panel took forever and a half plus I ended up redrawing the pencils when I realized the old version just wasn't flying. Check out the old sketch and dialogue by voting for Between Places on Top Webcomics!

The Comic of the Week is SCATTERED LEAVES!

Scattered Leaves has some striking traditional art, mostly black and white, in a style I've really never seen done in webcomics before and for that alone it's worth a look. Very pretty, very different. The story too is compelling, drawing you in within the first few pages and emerging you into a simple fantasy world... asking the question: what would YOU do for a pair of wings?

Pretty traditional art, compelling and easy to get into story... I added this one to my bookmarks the first time I found it, back in late November and definately recommend you give it a readthrough.