The first volume of Between Places. Not up to reading 300 pages? Get the fast track here! A stand-alone story about the end of a dream.
Upcoming stories: Fate.
Current progress: Script: 100%, roughs: 100%, page 1 of 8.

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Today...   -  November 29, 2009   -   0406

This page... looked... so much easier when I pencilled it. YEAH RIGHT. D: I'm still not happy with Saerin's panel there. I didn't like it confined to a panel and I wasn't sure what to do with the colors. Other'n that, though, I kinda like this page. The last panel took forever. D:< I would've liked to post it with the page that comes after it because really, the two pages kind of go together... but alas, with NaNoWriMo in the way (11k from fulfilling my goal of two 50k novels!) I couldn't get a double page. If I didn't have to novel (want to novel) it might work, but alas... ah well. Man. In a way I can't wait for November to be over because then I plan on writing full steam ahead on a story idea that hit me mid-November that I wanted to write, y'know... but mid November dangit... on the other hand, I don't want it to eeeend... because when it ends I have to do three secret Santa pictures and catch up on RP and everything I neglected... which is... uh... a lot of things.

Check out this free online novel! It's the book everyone's talking about right now. Here's the synopsis from the site.
"As America reels from the bizarre presidential assassination committed by a child, seven men are abducted from their normal lives and delivered to a secret government facility. Each man has his own career, his own specialty. All are identical in appearance. The seven strangers were grown -- unwitting human clones -- as part of a project called 7th Son.

The government now wants something from these "John Michael Smiths." They share the flesh and implanted memories of the psychopath responsible for the president's murder. The killer has bigger plans, and only these seven have the unique qualifications to track and stop him.

But when their progenitor makes the battle personal, it becomes clear he knows the seven better than they know themselves..."