The update on ComicGenesis, like the last one, is going to go up later. This one is obviously up on time. It's an old page again, and I tried to retain as much of the original as I could--simply because it was the first page I was happy with. Obviously I've improved since then, but it wasn't a bad page... and I'm working two more days this week, so I don't really have time to remake.
March 17 09 - September 22, 2008 - 0049
The update on ComicGenesis, like the last one, is going to go up later. This one is obviously up on time. It's an old page again, and I tried to retain as much of the original as I could--simply because it was the first page I was happy with. Obviously I've improved since then, but it wasn't a bad page... and I'm working two more days this week, so I don't really have time to remake.