Breaking news: I am still alive!
Less breaking news: Here is a chapter cover for the next chapter! I'm sorry. I wanted the next page to be included but... uh. I can't actually figure out what one of the panels is supposed to be, and I'm still coughing up blood and I have to work. So I figured you guys would rather an update even if it's just a cover. A dubious cover at that. (eyes it) Oh well, artsy symbolism has its place. Its place is today in this cover. Regular schedule, short of me dying, has resumed. I've had an idea for how to continue where I was all confused and with a bit of scripting things should be on their way! Plus I have five more pages pencilled so that'll hold me for a little bit. :) Sorry for the spontaneous hiatus.
And the page is done! - March 23, 2011 - 1826
Apart from the part where I can't talk and I'm coughing up blood, I'm okay! By the way, if Between Places never updates again, I probably just died. Of tuberculosis. But it's probably just bronchitis.
Hallo - March 22, 2011 - 2117
So I've had spotty internet for the last while. Didn't get in until really late due to Blizzard Take Two. I can't even TYPE now... it's kind of... yeah. I'm really sick. I think sicker than I think I am. Comes and goes in waves. It would be best for me to go to sleep soon. I'm not sure what all's going to happen. Updates will resume soon though!
D: - March 11, 2011 - 0259
I give up. I'm getting on an airplane in 8 hours, I get five hours of sleep, there is NO WAY I am can't even type anymore. Things. Yeah. I put them in my Dropbox and I'll see if I can steal my friend's tablet for a little bit and finish it, and Sunday's chapter cover maybe. If not, BETWEEN PLACES IS OFFICIAL ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS AND WILL RETURN TUESDAY 22ND UNLESS OF COURSE I UPDATE IN THE MEANTIME.
Same deal... - March 10, 2011 - 0126
This is also an incomplete page. I value my four and a half hours of sleep, you see, and I have another bussyyyy day. I'll be able to finish it for Friday. (The characters aren't shaded in this one.) After that, I can't be sure. I'll bring my pencils and tablet with me but I don't know if I'll have time to paint. Between Places may be on hiatus until, uhm... the 21st. But I'll TRY update!
D: - March 23, 2011 - 2302
Breaking news: I am still alive! Less breaking news: Here is a chapter cover for the next chapter! I'm sorry. I wanted the next page to be included but... uh. I can't actually figure out what one of the panels is supposed to be, and I'm still coughing up blood and I have to work. So I figured you guys would rather an update even if it's just a cover. A dubious cover at that. (eyes it) Oh well, artsy symbolism has its place. Its place is today in this cover. Regular schedule, short of me dying, has resumed. I've had an idea for how to continue where I was all confused and with a bit of scripting things should be on their way! Plus I have five more pages pencilled so that'll hold me for a little bit. :) Sorry for the spontaneous hiatus.And the page is done! - March 23, 2011 - 1826
Apart from the part where I can't talk and I'm coughing up blood, I'm okay! By the way, if Between Places never updates again, I probably just died. Of tuberculosis. But it's probably just bronchitis.Hallo - March 22, 2011 - 2117
So I've had spotty internet for the last while. Didn't get in until really late due to Blizzard Take Two. I can't even TYPE now... it's kind of... yeah. I'm really sick. I think sicker than I think I am. Comes and goes in waves. It would be best for me to go to sleep soon. I'm not sure what all's going to happen. Updates will resume soon though!D: - March 11, 2011 - 0259
I give up. I'm getting on an airplane in 8 hours, I get five hours of sleep, there is NO WAY I am can't even type anymore. Things. Yeah. I put them in my Dropbox and I'll see if I can steal my friend's tablet for a little bit and finish it, and Sunday's chapter cover maybe. If not, BETWEEN PLACES IS OFFICIAL ON A TEMPORARY HIATUS AND WILL RETURN TUESDAY 22ND UNLESS OF COURSE I UPDATE IN THE MEANTIME.Same deal... - March 10, 2011 - 0126
This is also an incomplete page. I value my four and a half hours of sleep, you see, and I have another bussyyyy day. I'll be able to finish it for Friday. (The characters aren't shaded in this one.) After that, I can't be sure. I'll bring my pencils and tablet with me but I don't know if I'll have time to paint. Between Places may be on hiatus until, uhm... the 21st. But I'll TRY update!