I am not very good at this updating thing anymore, but it's fiiiinally done and up. D: Maybe I'll have to try weekly. Or stop working so much. Man, how did I manage to juggle my time before?! Oh yeah... not sleeping enough. But I like this page. Also I am trying a new font. I like it better quite a lot, it seems to mesh with my art a bit better.
D::: - February 10, 2011 - 0038
I am not very good at this updating thing anymore, but it's fiiiinally done and up. D: Maybe I'll have to try weekly. Or stop working so much. Man, how did I manage to juggle my time before?! Oh yeah... not sleeping enough. But I like this page. Also I am trying a new font. I like it better quite a lot, it seems to mesh with my art a bit better.