I was quite pleased with this page. I like the next one even more. I had kind of hoped to get two done today but alas, it didn't happen, so I might lose my buffer with the upcoming extremely busy week of death. I may not update on the 22nd, 24th, and 27th simply because everyone (myself included) will be busy with Christmas stuff. Though I may be able to find time to make pages, let's face it, whose first priority is webcomics this season anyway? Shame that my scene would end on the update for the 24th or 27th, so I won't be able to take that little break on a scene end. Oh well. We'll see how things go. :)
WHEE - December 15, 2009 - 0107
I was quite pleased with this page. I like the next one even more. I had kind of hoped to get two done today but alas, it didn't happen, so I might lose my buffer with the upcoming extremely busy week of death. I may not update on the 22nd, 24th, and 27th simply because everyone (myself included) will be busy with Christmas stuff. Though I may be able to find time to make pages, let's face it, whose first priority is webcomics this season anyway? Shame that my scene would end on the update for the 24th or 27th, so I won't be able to take that little break on a scene end. Oh well. We'll see how things go. :)